
Corporate wellness and fitness programs should aim to prevent behaviors that lead to problems, rather than providing treatment after health issues arise.

Our corporate wellness programs include educational materials or lectures on diet, exercise, weight management and injury prevention. Providing healthy snacks, a fitness center, area for exercise or subsidized gym memberships and one-on-one counseling can help reduce health issues that can affect your employees performance and your bottom line. It’s one thing to offer classes, but will they be used?

Typically the attitudes of your employees will break down like this: 20 percent of your employees already work out and make it a part of their lives; 50% are convinced but inconsistent; 20 percent won’t see working out as worth it; and 10 percent will have zero interest. The focus here should be on the middle 70 percent of employees that show some motivation but lack structure. The key is to get supervisory staff on board, offering time-efficient programs, creating a healthy culture company-wide and giving incentives to keep employees engaged.

So if you are looking to get a corporate wellness program started a few tips to help your program succeed are:

  • Getting the middle management team on board coordinating to keep programs under 30 minutes a day
  • Build an inviting atmosphere that encourages participation while caters to the employees that already are committed
  • Discover what motivates your employees to work out
  • Meet people where they are and provide programs that can be executed digitally as well as in person
  • Create a healthy culture in the office by providing healthy alternatives to catered meetings and snacks to keep employees on track
  • Support a wide range of activities that get people moving; and give incentives for fun competition.
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