Kids Fitness Programs Don't Need to Difficult to Plan.
We Can Help!

Physical fitness training and activities are not something that many kids practice these days.  Times are different compared to when I was a kid.  These days kids across the country are experiencing the same decrease in physical activity due to barriers.  We can break this down to a few different barriers.  Two of them are both social and demographic, where the child may not be in a healthy environment or not in physical shape to perform training or activities.  Then we come to safety concerns or lack of available programs that the child may be comfortable participating in.

Even with more ways for kids to be active these days, the truth is, most children are not getting nearly enough activity to make a difference.  Many of these barriers are not their fault but are circumstance beyond their control.

Demographics and social constraints are most significant.  Not only are certain groups not able to get out daily, but many of these kids are not physically able to exercise for extended periods of time.  These may include geographical location, race, gender, and financial factors. In some parts of the country, kids fitness programs available to children that promote exercise are not available.  Its sad since these programs promote leadership skills, but most of all, they are fun and a great way to get their activity in.  Without effective programs, children will never understand the importance of fitness training, and will lack the skills it encourages.


I’ve worked with adults for over 20 years, and it is just as difficult to get them involved in fitness.  So, I can imagine if the parents are lacking motivation and drive, the kids will feed off this as well.  Without the knowledge of proper physical training, kids are less likely to ask for help or recognize the lack of exercise is a bad thing.  Children these days are more likely to be influenced by their peers, which will often result in them not being interested in getting exercise, and less likely to try new things.

We’ve seen youth programs close across the nation over the past few years.  Removing these programs provides less of a chance for these kids to be exposed to physical fitness that they may enjoy.  Children are limited on where they can play, who they can play with and what to play with.  So, we’ve created a kids fitness program that mirrors our adult fitness classes.  Similar activities, exercises, drills, and programming.  This will allow an easy transition later if the parent wants to join in or the kid advances to the next level and joins in with the older kids or adults.

While some of these barriers may seem considerable to overcome, I feel there are specific ways to help them achieve their goals, and ways to provide physical activity that so many are lacking.  As role models, parents, and coaches, we can make sure we are doing our part to encourage our kids to feel comfortable with physical fitness, while finding a fun way to achieve this.

Let me help your kids feel comfortable, while adopting a healthy outlet. Our kids fitness program typically meets 3-6 days a week.  Three sessions per week is an ideal addition for a child and you can expect to see changes in their behaviors, attitude, personality and appearance, in just a few short weeks.  REGISTER your child today!


Changes to expect in your child from our fitness program:

  • Increased endorphins, positive outlook on life, feeling of happiness
  • Elevated serotonin, balancing mood and fighting depression and stress
  • Improved meditative state, pushing away thoughts, anxieties, and worries
  • Heightened confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth
  • Brain boost, strengthening memory, improving creativity and mental energy
  • Improves attention and focus
  • Reduction of stress
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