Heading Back to School with Custom Designed Fitness Programs for Kids

School PE classes these days aren’t the same as ‘our’ PE classes from the 70s, 80s,and 90s. They seem to be jogging, maybe a plank hold, wall sit, or a couple other various exercises to make up the time. The coaches at Wired Fitness have created fitness programs for kids that build a solid foundation or strength, endurance, stability, flexibility and overall health. Every fitness program is designed with your kids ability and experience, and can accommodate any unique needs that arise.

Motivating kids to choose something active over screen time has never been an easy task. But the last two years had made a difficult task seem impossible.  Online schooling, organized sports were paused, physical fitness program offered via zoom, made it difficult for social contact and forced kids to spend more and more time in front of a screen.

There is no doubt that the pandemic has profoundly changed family and kid-specific routines. A weekly physical fitness program, activity patterns, including sleep habits, are vital to physical, mental, and psychological health and the development of their growing bodies.  This can lead to depression, anxiety, and insomnia.  This is something we do not want our kids to experience at such a young age.

Interested in classes for yourself?
Check out our locations and schedule.


Some Benefits of WF's Fitness Programs for Kids

  • Prevents Heart Problems
  • Healthy Weight Management
  • Boosts Immune Function
  • Improved Dexterity and Injury Prevention
  • Keeps Blood Sugar Levels Normal
  • Protects Against Depression
  • Fights Stress
  • Increases Self-Confidence
  • Improves Sleep Patterns
  • Improves Self-Esteem
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