We have been running classes at the Community Park, 3777 Townsgate Drive for almost 18 years. We started our first class back in 2002 with over 20 participants. Over the years we have led and guided 1000’s of awesome clients to better health, improved fitness abilities, better self-image and improved self-confidence. Here are some of the superstars that have attended our HIIT classes. A special shout out to Selma Torres who is one of the original boot camp participants 14 years and counting. Congrats Selma for kicking butt so many years and religiously coming three times a week ever since. To join our community register below and then return the the Schedule to RSVP for your first free Carmel Valley Fitness Boot Camp class.
I’ve been attending Bryan’s classes three days a week for two years and have seen a great improvement in my strength and physical ability. Each class is different and I’m regularly left sore, but in the best way! It’s a friendly welcoming group of regulars who were very encouraging when I first started.
I’ve been going to Bryan’s Carmel Valley boot camp 3 times a week for over 12 years – is that enough of an endorsement? I love it that he makes it easy for all levels of fitness to follow the workouts he writes out on a whiteboard. The workouts are varied and challenging and fun. At different times we work out with medicine balls, TRXs, sand bags, ropes, chains, bands of different types, weights. It’s the best way to start your day!
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