
Ready for Some North Park Group Fitness Classes?

Train like you have a one-on-one personal trainer, but only in a group setting. Coach Bryan has been running classes in San Diego since 2002 and has a unique training style. Our North Park outdoor group fitness classes covers ever component of a successful fitness program. We touch on strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility and mobility, stability and balance, and much more. No workouts ever repeated, and zero boring cardio! Burn 400-800 calories every workout and keep burning after-class (called after-burn).

We utilize our surroundings to create unique programming to maximize metabolic conditioning.  Equipment used in classes include: Medicine balls, 4 types of resistance bands, ropes, sand bags, weights, agility footwork tools, TRX and much more. If you are currently plateauing in your program, let us help break down those walls so you can see the results you desire. It’s tie to reinvent, reshape and redefine yourself. ALL ages welcome and no fitness level necessary. We will take you to the next level! Our schedule will not include North Park fitness classes as of yet, but you can check out our other classes.


You are welcome to check out one of our other classes in Mission Bay to see if this may be a good fit for you. Come meet some of the participants that have been with us for over 18 years. You have nothing to lose, your first class is free, so there is no obligation.

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